INR - testing
Are you taking Warfarin?
Warfarin is a medicine that prevents blood clotting (coagulating). It is called an anticoagulant or "blood thinner". The effect of the medicine on your blood clotting is variable. Regular blood tests called the 'International Normalised Ratio' (INR) are necessary to ensure you are taking the correct dose of warfarin to 'thin' your blood. During the early stages of treatment you will need more frequent blood tests, until your warfarin dose is stabilised.
Did you know that you can now get your INR tested at your local Pharmacy. Yes Kamo Pharmacy can assist with your INR testing by simply calling in to see one of our friendly staff.
We have already found that many patients have reported improved access, convenience, and a preference for finger prick testing rather than the more invasive blood tests. With the test results available immediately dose changes can be made straight away which saves time and is much more convenient. Patients gain a better understanding of their health problems and it helps to develop self management and responsibility. General practitioners and practice nurses felt there were positive benefits for patients (convenience) and themselves (time saved) and expressed confidence in pharmacists’ ability to provide the service.
Pharmacists have reported high levels of satisfaction with better use of their clinical knowledge in direct patient care and that their relationships with both patients and health professionals have improved.
INR Online is a comprehensive anticoagulant management system that offers automated dosing and a recommended date for the next test. It records INR results, test dates, warfarin doses and details of compliance, adverse events, changes in medication and hospital admissions for each patient.
Three Simple Steps
- Come in to the pharmacy - no bookings required
- Have a finger prick blood test
- Results are automatically transferred to INR Online
- One of our INR approved pharmacists will check your results and adjust your medication as required
- You will receive a print out of your results, a daily dose calendar and your next appointment time
- The results are automatically sent to your GP
- You can also setup an email reminder service for your next test (optional)
Come and see us today to discuss your
INR requirements and how we can
help you to better manage your health.

- Come in to the pharmacy - no bookings required
- Have a finger prick blood test
- Results are automatically transferred to INR Online
- One of our INR approved pharmacists will check your results and adjust your medication as required
- You will receive a print out of your results, a daily dose calendar and your next appointment time
- The results are automatically sent to your GP
- You can also setup an email reminder service for your next test (optional)
Come and see us today to discuss your INR requirements and how we can help you to better manage your health.
- Come in to the pharmacy - no bookings required
- Have a finger prick blood test
- Results are automatically transferred to INR Online
- One of our INR approved pharmacists will check your results and adjust your medication as required
- You will receive a print out of your results, a daily dose calendar and your next appointment time
- The results are automatically sent to your GP
- You can also setup an email reminder service for your next test (optional)